We worked the entry gate to Dade Battlefield State Park Sunday then on Monday we did our every other Monday trip to the Webster Flea Market. Seems to be getting a few more vendors but crowds seemed to be about the same size. Wore my toner tennis shoes, BIG MISTAKE! I forgot that I needed to work my way up to wearing them and I wore them the whole day - my hips hurt soooo bad! Didn't figure out what the problem was until I went online to research hip pain and saw all the complaints about the toner shoes causing hip and knee problems. Trashing those shoes! Took several days of Aleve before the pain finally went away. Is this what old age is like?? Oh Lordy! We worked Wed-Friday then Friday afternoon our friends, Tom and Mary Ann came up from Sebring to visit us. Had a wonderful day with them and fixed them some of Harvey's Jambalaya. It was a hit as it has been every time I fix it (thanks Harvey for your recipe!) Some times you happen to meet some people that you just hit it off with instantly - that is Tom and Mary Ann and we were so glad to get to see them again!
Saturday, we had Harvey and Valerie over for OU - Texas football. They brought a chicken that Harvey had smoked, yummy! We had a great afternoon of eating, visiting and watching OU beat Texas.
My latest beaded bracelet - I'm really having fun doing these! This one turned out very pretty, the picture really doesn't do it justice, no brag, just fact, lol.
Brenda is now teaching me to do card stitching for some Advent Calendars we are going to make for our grandkids and her great grandkids. Found an idea I liked online but doing a little modifying to personalize it. I can't post pictures of them yet in case the grandkids are looking :-) I appreciate Brenda teaching me her crafty ways!
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