Sunday, August 28, 2011

London, Kentucky - Levi Jackson State Park

Levi Jackson State Park, site A14

Bruce at Cumberland Falls State Park

Original KFC in Corbin, Kentucky

Goodbye Indiana - Hello Kentucky! Came across another beautiful state park that I found out about on Friendly staff at the gate, allowed us to pick from several sites that were available. Decided on site A14 which is a back in site that is close to the front of the park, pretty level, water and 50amp electric. Charge was $26 ($28 on Fri/Sat nights). Some sites would take a lot to get a rig level but their website tells you the severity so pay heed! They even have a laundry at each bath house so was able to get caught up on that chore while here! They have a nice pool that is only $3 for campers ($5 if not camping). We would definitely stay here again if we are in the area.
On Friday we drove over the Cumberland Falls State Park. Beautiful falls and area with surprisingly no entrance fee. Glad that we didn't try to camp here though - just for small rigs or tents! They have a very nice gift shop and small concession. Drove through the cute town on Corbin where the original Kentucky Fried Chicken still is in operation.
Saturday morning went to the flea market - interesting to say the least :-)  Got a basket of big, red tomatoes for only $2.
Sunday we packed up and moving on south.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Kentucky...the state that manufactures most of the liquor in the country but won't let you buy any of it in the many dry counties. If you travel in this state, be stocked up on your Miller Lite, or whatever you drink, because if you find a place to buy some, you may pick the wrong day (Sunday) like I did to try to make a purchase.
